Slot machines today come in many sizes, shapes and denominations. Push a button or pull a handle to touch a screen. After all that, they are two machines: video and reel.

Computer-controlled reel machines are now commonplace. This means that the program has a random number generator (RGN), which, like video games, determines the spin of a reel or the outcome of the screen.

The (RNG), is usually set to pay 80% to 95%.

A slot machine that pays 90% will return 90% of the amount it played. This is because it has been set up to pay 90% over hundreds of thousands (and sometimes even millions) of spins.

An online slot machine that has a payout of 80% is considered “tight”, as it gives the house a greater advantage (20 cents for every dollar).

A slot machine that pays less than 95% is considered a loose machine. This is because the machine gives back more to the player and the casino keeps only 5 cents of every dollar.

It can be difficult to locate these machines.

The Casino Manager can decide where the machines are placed. This varies from one casino to another. These machines can be placed anywhere, there is no fixed place. It all depends on the Casino Manager’s view of where they will get the most bang for their buck.

They are generally not placed next to one another (so if you like to play two machines simultaneously, be aware that at least one is likely to be “tight”.

They are not usually found near sportsbooks or table games (noise factor), nor close to areas where lines are made (i.e. restaurants, shows, etc. These machines are usually “tight”, as they know you will be playing them while you wait.

They are rarely or never the “progressive machine” local to the casino. This is not the case with machines linked to other casinos in the city or state.

However, they can sometimes be found in high-traffic areas or visible areas.

The traffic areas or high visible areas, so people walking by will see lights and hear bells going off, and in the middle of the online slots area so other online slots players will experience the same thing, lights, bells, noise, excitement…encouraging them to get in on the action or keep on playin’.

Sometimes they might not be able to answer your questions. It’s not a bad idea to make friends with the waitress/change gal, as they know they work on the casino floor every day.

Finding the loose machine might not be as easy as it seems. After all, like any other game with random returns, the percentages will continue to increase over time. However, anything can happen in the short term. Slot machines run in cycles, too.

If you have a winning streak, the slot machine is paying multiple times in a short time. The opposite is true. A losing streak (no payouts in 6-8 or 10 spins) is considered a “cold machine”.

There will be winning online streaks and losing streaks. The middle will have some sort of win/lose situation.

A “tight” machine can also have its up-cycle (“hot ‘tight” machine”), while a “loose” machine can have its down-cycle (“cold “loose” machine).

It is better to find a “hot”, rather than a “loose” machine.

Remember that just because you lost 10 consecutive games of random returns does not mean you will win the next 10. Both winning streaks and losing streaks are possible. The slot machine does not have any memory. The slot machine doesn’t remember what it did in the past. So it will always spin randomly.

Expecting to win when you have lost several times in a row is one of the biggest gamblers’ biggest mistakes with table games and slot machines. Or expecting to lose when you have won many.

  • Never give up on a winning streak!
  • Stop Losing Streaks!
  • Know your game. Know your path.

David Shippey, also known as “The Big Possum, ” has played casino since 1969. His passion is the craps table but he has also had success with blackjack and roulette.

He is not a professional gambler, a card counter, or a casino shill…He’s just an average guy who happens also to be an author, mentor, and casino, gambling expert.

Although gambling was his hobby for life and not his profession, it provided him with a steady income.

He would love to spend time with his grandchildren or watch a baseball game at a casino.